Can You Keep the Beat?

Ultimate Spatial Rhythm Game
Music is in the air—and it’s coming straight at you. Built for Apple Vision Pro, the 3D rhythm game DapTap envelops you in energetic tunes. Tap and slap notes as they whoosh by to play along!

What we love: Physically connecting with the music. Tapping our hands on a desk to hit shorter notes feels like jamming; waving our arms to play long notes feels like gracefully conducting an orchestra. And playing a whole song flawlessly feels magical.
Quick tip: Pay attention to a note’s color, not just the side of the screen it’s on. Though pink notes are usually on the left and blue notes are on the right (matching the colors of your virtual hands), songs like Johann Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” up the challenge by placing notes on the “wrong” side of the screen.