Zoey from a masturbation documentary
Duration: 4min 13sec
Views: 1 559 115
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A cute girl from a sex instructional video.
Nude and Sex scenes in cinema
explicit nudity
full frontal
«What's the name of this documentary and where can I find it please?»
«I bet she masturbates better after her vagina is full of fresh sperm.»
«Yeah why all the downvotes for the comments pointing out there she said she was a door gunner for a Longbow Apache Helicopter which has no side or rear doors? and Usually you would emphasize which branch and you really don't mess up/miss speak what your MOS or the details of your job... Clearly an actress reading a script....»
«I love how she blushes as she rubs her clit»
«Beautiful and so open and natural.»
«Super Hot!»
«There ain't no door gunner on an apache helicopter.»
«She really showed everything between her legs. Everytime she touches herself, I bet she thinks of when she was being recorded flicking herself in front of everyone.»
«She loves furiously flicking her bean in front of people. A voyeur. Turns her on. Bet she loves public sex.»
«This girl needs to be fucked hard. Have that pussy pulsating around a big dick while she takes another one in her mouth. Now that will really get her going.»
«Zoey decided to show everyone her cunt and how she touches herself. Good girl. I hope there was bonus footage of her stretching those pussy lips apart to give an in-depth glimpse of what’s inside.»
«This bitch said Hispanic family and she was a door gunner on and apache longbow when thats a fucking attack Helicopter with a cockpit lol»
«Extremely hot to see her facial expression and then the close-up of her pussy pulsating starting at the 3:50 mark. She must have been incredibly turned masturbating in front of everyone on the set.»
«Thanks dude. It seems like a website about serious questions about female masturbation.»
«More of these videos, please!»
«It's from OMGYes.com only her first name Zoey is given.»
«what documentary is this»
«Where's this from?»
«Cuál es el nombre de la modelo?»